Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

32,6 Signes of a New Creature. SERM.TJ. ftri6ì care in other things : for when a man comes to this, to fupererrogate in fomethings, and to be negli- gent in others, it is an eviil figne, it is a figne thou art not a New Creature, for then all would be new; I fay, it is an ill five, that there is no life there, it is a ligne, that all that thou do,ft otherwife is but counterfeit: therefore it is worth your obfervation, that when any man ferves the Lord, when hee doth it not with his whole hearr,it is reckoned as counterfeir,if there be but one old place in the heart,if therebe but one old lull li- ving there,God takes alias fained,Ier. ;. r o. You did not turne to me with your whole heart, but fainedly : As if he Mould fay, If it be not done with the whole heart, it is fained, it is a ligne there is no life there, if a man abound in duties never fomuch ; let him be excellent in prayer, excellent in almes- deeds, in doing juftice, let him come to Church, let him doe what he will, if there be any thing old, yet it is a figne he wants life,for where there is life, there is augmentation of parts ; a man that is living encreafeth in all. If thou find fome part of thy foule, of thy life,to be augmented, and not the refl., thou art dead, a dead thing may be capable of it, you may encreafe one part of wheat, or of filver,or gold, but the other part continues as it was, but all en- creafe in living Creatures, it is a generali encreafe,there is nothing Rands at a flay ; if thou finde a refervation 3 in fome things ;wherein thou takelt liberty, and flan- Looking deft at a flay, thou art not yet a New Creature. upon eve- Thirdly, thou (halt know, if thou be new by this, ry thi ng with a thou lookeft upon every thing with a new eye, every new eye thing is prefented to thee in a new manner : this I take Z CCT 6. from this very Chapter,the Apofile faith, We know no man