Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, i,hat. poore man that is truly fant1ified, although he cannot fay the hundredth part againft fin, as another man, yet he Both hunger after Iefus Chrift. Therefore it muff be the work of the Spirir,z Cor.3. u lt. But, wee all behold as in a mirrour the glory of the Lordwith open face, and are changed into the fame image from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord : that is, when we look into the word we fee the Image of God, fo may another man too, but he doth not fee the glo- ry of ir, he doth not look on it as a defirable thing,as a thing he is in love withal!. God ihewes c2tofes his glo- ry ; he never filmed his glory but to the Saints : The greateft rc quell that Mofes defired,was to fee the glory of the Lord ;1 will _thew thee my+glory, faith God, that is, thou fhalt fee as much as fhall be need£ull for thee to fee in this life. God fbewes himfelfe unto us in his Word, and when hee will Phew a man his glory, hee makes him to have a love to it, and then he is transfor- med into his Image. Another fees it, but he is not transformed into fuch a knowledge as convinceth the minde of fanne : when wee teach knowledge, it is as the Sparkes in a darke roome, or as the Starres in a darke night, the roome is darke Rill; fo it is with all knowledge,till the Holy Ghoft Both teach it : we may beget a thoufand fparkes in you, but they will not turne the darkeneffe into light. But when the Holy Ghoft comes, it doth not only appeare there, but it changeth us from darkeneffe into light. You muff know, that when wee preach only, it is as when the light fhines, thewindowes being thus againft it, there is none fhines into the houfe; fo when men thinke they underftand mòft, yet they want this light to