Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, T'hat. 351 to thine into the houle,Luk.24. 45 Then opened he their SER.IU. underflandings,that they might under(land the Scriptures. They had heard C H R I S T before, but they under - flood not his Word; like thole which (owed feed on ill ground; and therefore received not the fruit of it, btu when the Holy Ghoft comes into thy heart, that will convince thee of evill: it will expell darkneffe, and fet right thy judgement : otherwife, thoughyou heard Paul preach, yea, Chrift himfelfe, were your Iudge_ ments never fo good, yet it would not be done till the Holy Ghoft teacheth you, youwill never know him, never fee him aright in his glory, never fee him fo, as to delight and long after him, fo as to defire nothing in the world fo much as communion with him. Thus it is when hislmage is renewed in Knowledge and Truth, and where this Knowledge and Truth is, Holineffe inftantly followes. There are many that know and praEtife not; and there are many which neither know nor pra Life, but where this Image is, where ever they know they pra- ótife. Well, let us apply this unto our felves briefly. If to bee a New Creature, there is required of us Toprize this Faith and Love, Truth and Holineffe, Know. the New ledge and Righteoufneffe ; then let us learne not to be Creature. deceived, to regard nothing elfe in comparifon of this. Doe as the Apofile, Gal. 6. 15. For in CH at sr I E S U S neither Circumcifion availeth any thing, nor Vn- circumcifion, but a 2ew Creature : that is, it is no mat- ter for any thing in a man, Circumcifion is no better than uncircumcifion: Go thorow all the duties of Re- ligion, you (hall finde them nothingtill you be made a New]