Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

tl New Creature, what. 353 is rotten he is glad of it, becaufe he knowes new will SE R.IV. t come up in flead of it; fo when we fee the body decay- ing, and our day drawing towards evening, when the Sunne of life is ready to be fet upon us, when we (hall grow no more : this prefcnts nothing but confufion, yet here is hope for us ; There is light Sowen unto the the righteous: All the confolation and all the comfort we have in thefe dayes of our vanity, is, that we have a New Creature, that is not fubjet to vanity. USItteWntlitit tninkletksiTti 12******442 Txa FORTH SERMON VPON THE NEVV CREATVRE.. 2 COR. 5.17. Therefore if a man be in chrit, let him bee ai New Creature. Ow we come to the laft thing to be ob. ferved in the New Creature; which is, 3. a that there is not only an infufion of a morùfica new quality, but a wcakning of the old: non Therefore we put that into the defcrip- Lion. A man is a New Creature when his heart is call into another mould, by the infuhon of a new