Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

354 Sta. IV. z.Parts of a New Creature. Simile. vje. To mor- tifie old luils. New Creature, 'bat. new quality of grace, and by a deflroying of the old. And this is of pecially to be obferved, becaufe there be two parts of the New Creature, a mortification of fin, as well as a vivification. For, common Nature is like a Bowle betweene two Wailes, Corruption is the wrong blaffe, carrying us out of the way; and Grace the good biaffè carrying us into the way : So you muff knock off the old blaffe, as well as pug on a new one, that is, Common Nature lycs as an indifferent thing betweene Grace and Sin, the Flefh and the Spirit, Cor- ruption and Holineffe; fo that as the body is betweene health and ficknefle, fo is Common Nature betweene original' fin , w.hich is as the fickneffe o: death of the Souk, and holineffe, which is the healthofir. Now it is not only required that there bean infufion oft he new quality, but likewife a weakning of this old, both can- not (land together, Co farm as you hrengthen one, the other is weakned, it is alwayes fo where is contrariety, where there is no contrariety two may hand toge- ther ; but when things bee oppofite, the comming in of the one, is the weakning of the other, the com- ming of heat is a weakning of cold :this is of fpeci- all ufe. And this ufe we are to make of it; that hence then you fee this will follow,that if you finde much ncwneffe in your felves (according to your owne opinion) you finde you can do many things, you could never do be- fore ; you are able to doe thefe and thefe duties of new obedience : well, fuppofe it, yet except there be a mor- tification of the old tufts; if thou find that there be any lufis continue in thee, in fhrength, that, in that regard, thou art the fame man hill, whatfoever addition there be,