Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creigúre; vhat. be, it is no matter, it is certaine thou art noryet a Creature: for a New Creature conf fts not in fuperin- dalion of the new quality, the old remaining ; but in a weakning of the old too. It is not only a fuperadditi- on of the new, but the death of the old alfo: There- fore, if thou findeft any corruptions continuing in the fulnefl'e ofthe:ir firft ftrength,not weakned at although thou haft all fignes of grace , all parts ofaNew Crea- ture, to thy feeming, yet thou art deceived; bec:iufe if thou wert ne w, there would be a mortification of the old lulls. So againe, it is true on the other fide,: Put cafe thou finde a great change in thy felfe, fuch lulls as have been vigorous and Iively, thou findeft to be now dead, ex- cept it be by the ingreife oft his New Creature, thou haft little caufe to comfort thy felfe; for thole lulls are but covered and laid afleepe for a time, and will wake and rife againe: as Sampfon when he was tyed with cords, role againe, and was as thong as ever hewas, when the oportunity came, t. 4nd it svgs toldhim, the Phili ffims are upon thee,Sampfon:So lulls are laid afleepe, till the opportunity comes,when all the threed of good purpofes breaks, and they rife againe in their lrength: therefore, if there be not a New Creature, brought within thy foule,thy lutts are but laid a flcepe,they will rife againe : Or put cafe they be dead, and rife no more; yet, except it be by the ingredience of this New Crea- ture, they are but dead of themfelves, and fo long as they die of themfelves, God regards not that death : for that which is required of us in Rom. r a .1 is, that we facrifice our felves : Now two things are required in the Sacrifice; one, that it be flaine, that it dye not of it felfe,` 355 SaR.Iÿ, Sin may regime dead when it &aped'.