Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

i 356 A New Creature, 'hat. sER. W. felte, for that is not a Sacrifice. Secondly, that it be 4 offered to God, and not to any other god. Now this we oft finde, that lulls dye of themfelves, change of age,expericnce,operation ofcircumftances,time,place, and many things may alter the delres : for, you muff know, The world path away, and the lrrfls of rt : that is, they are of a tranfitory nature. A man cloth not defire that, thisyeere, which he did the laft. Doe we not fee, many have beetle riotous and prodigall in youth, yet there is a great change in them, not for grace, but age, and ufe, and experience, and many things, snake altera- tion Thefe are not Elaine to the Lord, but they dye of Í themfelves, fo God would not accept '! m. Againe, they may be flaine, but not to the L o a D, thou mayeft offer them to thy felfe, which is the fame, as if thou offeredff them to another god, that is, a man may finde r -ti eviil and inconvenience, much bitter. ncfíe in them, it may be, they have brought flame and mifery on thee. Againe, thou mayeft feare Gods judgements; and therefore mayeft reftraine thy felfe. In a word, If thy felfe be thy end, in abftaining from any fin what ever it bc,there is a Sacrifice, thou haft flaine it, but not offe- red it to the Lord, it is not done to him, It is not be caufe thou loveft the Lord Iefus: therefore it is not a fruit of the New Creature, for till then every man makes himfelfe his end in all he loth, but when he is made a New Creature, he makes the Lord his end. This therefore is the ufe of this : there mutt be two parts of this New Creature, Vivification, and Mortifi- cation, an infufion of the new Quality, and a weakning of the old. Becaufe this is a point of much moment, I will