Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

1 Neu) Creature, vhat. 357 will preffe it a little further,and deliver this Rule,I fay, SE R.IV. this other Cûnfedary may be gathered : If it be fo, then thou mutt finde in thy felfe there two things. Thou mutt finde in thy felfe fomething more than 2. ¡'fe Nature, and againe, thou mutt finde in thy felfe fome- or Con- thin lcife than Nature : Thou mull have lefie than f í`ory. what thy corrupt nature had in it, and more than corn-: mon nature hath in it, or elfe thou wanteft this third part of the New Creature, this third thing wherein it confias, the induction ofa new Quality, and a weak. ning of the old: We will urge this a little. Firít, there mutt be a leffening and a weakening of I what was there before: for,you mutt know every man There bath force perfonall infirmities, force finnes more pe- ram tgh culiar to his Nature than others, fomething wherein le(fe than he is weake, every man hath it, one of one fort, ano- naturét ther ofanother fort; every man bath amore inclinati- Where on to this or that finne, which is bred and borne with god he him. If thou findeft that this continues with thee fill, healeth , that thou haft the fame running fore on thee, that thou wherg.he hadit, that thou findeft no alteration in that, that there par eth is no leffening,no weakning, no deftroying and morti. eth. .fying of that, then thou art not a New Creature, and confequently, thy fins are not forgiven, for Iuftificati- on and Santification are infeparable. If thy fins were pardoned, they would ix healed, that is the thing you 1 mutt confide ;. It is certaine therefore, if you doe not find them healed, you are not yet in Chrift 5 for if thou wert in Chrift truly, there would a vertue come out of him that would heale the bloudy -iffue ; for the vertue of his death is never dis- joyned from themerit of his death,where ever he forgives fin,he cures.finne : there - A a fore