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358 $ER.1. Rea . It itands withGods honour. Reaf. 2. With our comfort. Real. 3. With Gods fer- vice. ,A New Creature, what. fore if thou findefi that he bath not cured any finne, know it is not forgiven. You may fee it every where ; Mary Magdales,as much was forgiven her,fo fhe had a great cure wrought in her,fhe was changed, the became another woman, you fee how exceeding holy the was ; when Chrift Paid, Thy fins are forgiven, fhe went away with another heart : So it was with Paul,when once his fins were forgiven, when God Pent word by Ananhed that he was a chofen ve [fell, withal' he was made a glo- rious profeffor of a raging perfecutour, there was a healing of fin, as well as forgiving of it. So David, when his fin was forgiven,when God told him by kg- than fo much,his fin was cured,he did not commit adul- tery againe : therefore in the one and fiftieth Pp/. the cure (lands on record,that all the world may know,that where God forgiveth, he healeth likewife. So Peter, when God had forgiven him that finne of denying his Matter, he cured it too. To adde a little more,I fay,fin mull be healed,if it be forgiven ; for it cannot be otherwife, if God take any man to beare his Name, and his fins be not healed, his Name fhould be blafphemed, it would redound to his difhonour. Againe, if he fhould forgive and not heale us, we fhould have no comfort from him, nor he no fervice from us : we fhouldhave no comfort from him,becaufe of the rage and vexation ofruling huff. . Againe, he fhould have no fervice from us ; for how can we ferve himwhen we are not healed r Can a ficke man do any fervice r He muff be healed, and reffored to health firft. Now do you think, God will put his children in a condition, that neither they shall have coma