Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, vhdt. comfort from him,nor he service from them ; therfore it is of neceflity, wheaefoever fin is forgiven, it is heal- ed Therefore in Sofia 14. When I take away your ini- quities, I will heale your rebellions. So in Dag. 3o. 6. when he will have mercy upon them, faith he, I willal- to circumcise your harts, and the harts of your feed, that you ¡ball love me with all your foule,and with all your firength: He never pardons, but he likewifecircumcifeth. So in Iera4.7.Iwill fee mine eye upon yor for good :that is,I will pardon you,and receive you to mercy,and alfo will give you an heart to know me, fi that you ft all be my people, and 1 will be your God: For you (hall turne to me with all your heart. In a word ,they are never dif- joyned ; take it for a fure rule,as Etch. 3 6.Z6.1 will wa f b thee from thy Idols, that is, from thy lufts and Idolatry,and will give thee a new bears, and a new fpirit, he never doth one without the other; therefore apply it. It may be there be many particular fins which thou thinke{t are forgiven, Sab- bath- breaking,Swearing,Vncleannefle,go thorow any particular fin, if they be not healed, they be not forgi- ven,and fo thou art in a miferable condition. Therfore, doe not fay, though I fin againe and againc, yet God is mercifull, and, I hope ready to forgive. It is very true; but thou mutt know, that he is never mercifull to for- give, but he is as ready to heale and cure thy fins like. wife; therefore decive not your felves in that. Only before I paffe from this point, miflake me not, my meaning is not, that it is fo healed, that there is not the loft vigour left in it, that it is fo dead & buried that thou (halt never heart of it againe, that the fpring of o. riginall corruption is dried up,that none of it is left;but the meaning is, it is healed, that is, Sin is pulled downe A a 2 from 359 SaR.IV Gaation Sin may remaine, though mortified.