Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

;6o 4 New Creature, 'that. 0111=0.1111.1 SE t.iv. from his Regency, it may aflàult thee, asa Rebell, but it comes no more as a Lord, as a King ; it is put out of poffeffion, it may creepe in as a Theefe, but it comes no more as the owner of the houle ; for that is refigned up to grace and the New Creature. Sin creepes in, as it were, but there is another Mailer of the houle, fo that now thou mayeftfay, ¡doe it not, but finne :bitt dwtlletb in mee, that is, that creepes in; thy denomination is from that, that beares rule in thy heart ; for that is all that is done in Regeneration ; Sinne is put out of poffeffion, and Grace is now the Ruler, the Lord of the heart ; thereforewe may fay, it is healed, that is, it fo fhut out, that thou haft :do- minion over it, it may affauit they now and then, it may overcome thee now and then, but it dwels not in thee, thou never entertáineft it as a gueft, thou never biddeft it welcome, thou never makeft peace with k, thou haft perpetuall warrc with it, as there was with the vlmalekites; Againe, corrupt nature muti bee leffened, weake- ned, and mortified ; fo there mutt be more than na- 'ture'in thee ; that is, thou muti be able todoe more than any natural man in the world can doe,'or than'hou waft ever able to dobefore this change was wrought in thee; for,you muff know,Gracedoth not only mortifie and heale fin,buÿ it goes beyond the power of nature;as we fay, Phyf cke helpes where Nature falles, and Art helpes where Nature °fall fhort Such a thing is Grace where Nature failes, there is life of Grace, indeed elfe what were the efficacy of the Word, and the vertue of the Spirit, and the power of Chrift a If they did not enable a man to doe mere than nature doth. Grace comes.'