Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

,e1 New Creature/14d. comes from an higher Well -head than Nature, there - l SEA. IV. fore it raífeth a man to an higher pitch than Nature I can afcend to. Therefore confider, if thou haft that ;. which goes beyond nature ; sampfn had a ftrength beyond Nature, he could doe what a common man could not doe, but God being withhim, he had more than the ftrength of Nature. How do we know that, He was able to carry away the gates of the City, &c, which none elfe could do therefore there was in bim ftrength above Nature : Now examine, canit thou doe that which no man ere can doe that is a meere naturall man r Thou muff have a ftrength put intothce, which none can reach to,that bath nothing but Nature in him, that is,canft thou love the Lord Iefus & the Ssintsr An Hypocrite can counterfeitmany things, but not love. "' n on Again, canil thou delight in the Law of God, in the couute-s Inner man, I aske not if thou canit approve ofir, but f "6`d' canit thou delight in it, counting it ,cu meat and drink to doe the willoftby father? this is a thing which cannot be counterfeit. So,canil thou deny thy felfef Iask not, if thou canif deny this or that particular finne, but the whole body of fin, if thou favoureft the things of the Spirit, f thou can t mort fe the deeds ofthe body, and walke according to that Spirit. In a word, whatfo- ever it is, if thou art a New Creature, thou mull finde thy felfe able to do that which no naturali man can do, and which thy felfe could never doe before; for,other- wife what wilt thou have to anfwer for thy felfe, when the deftroying Angell Thall come, if flee finde not in thee more than Nature, the deftrudlion fhall paffe on thee, as it was in the Pafeover, except there was found bloud on the doom- polls, they dyed for it : Now the _ A a bloù á fir