Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

36a -,rf New Creatur.c,-Vhgt, SILK. iv. bloud that this deflroying Angell muff fee, when he (hall paffe over the world, is that which is more than Nature. You mull: know the bloud of Chrifi leaves an imprefiion, Their garments were made white in the bleed efthe Lambe; that is, not oneiy the guilt of finis taken away, but a new vertue is put on them, a new efficacy is put into them; and if thou haft not the vertue of the bloud of Chrill, as well to purge thy confcience from dead workes, as to -take away the guilt of fin; all is no- thing, you mull know all the old world (hail be de- froyed, and the workes of, it, andwhat(oever is in it, whatfoever is old (hall be de(lroyed 3 the Lord will fpare nothing but what is new, He makes a new Heaven, and a new Earth; and what is new (hall be feared, when he comes to take an examination of men,and Ludes no- thing but old in thee, thou art fure to be defiroy cd if thou be new he will fpare thee, there is a bleffing there, this is the marke in the forehead, this is that new Name, this is that certaine vvatch.word, which ifs man know nor,he is counted as an enemy, you have a fafhion fom- times rogive markes, if they have that marke, that to- ken in their hand, they are knowne to be of them that are allowed. So there is a certaine foaling of men to life,God gives a new name,a white lone with a new name written en it,which none can.reade brit Codand "thy (elfe : I fay,except thou art anew Creature (for that is the new name), the Deflroying Angell (hall not (pare thee, but thy fins (hall be call on thy confcience, as ufually he doth when thou art on thy death - bed;. he never bindes the burthen till then, you have it before, but you never fide it till then, but when G o n (hall charge it on thy confcience, what wilt thou fay e If thou findell not theft