Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New . Creature, what. thefe two things,a weakning of this òldnature,an heal- ing of fin, and fomething more than Nature,thoucanft not apply the comfort of Iuftification, thou art not in Chrift, for thou art not a new Creature, which con - fitIs of thefe two parts,Vivification and Mortification. So much for this point;So we have done with this,that 'unification and Sanctification are infeparable : all this is drawne from the conjunction, Whojoever is in Chrift is 4 New Creature,] they arc not disjoyned, if you have one, you have the other. Now this is further to be obferved, if he muff he 4 New Creature, then bee molt have 4 new Nature ; Hee muff have another Nature,for he is mzde another man, that is, he is fo altered, as if he were another mac, as if another Soule came to dwell in that body ; there- fore, there muft be another Nature. Againe, it mutt be a mew creature ; therefore wee muft obferve fomething from that word New. And fourthly,we will obferve fomething from this, that it is a Creature, and fo is created by God, no man is able to doe it. And latl of all, the order ; firít in Cori ft, and then a New Greature.T hefe be the foute things we have to do. Firft,theremuft be in thee another Nature, that is,it is not enough to be altered in this and that particular, but thou muff have another Nature ; for you (hall find, that when a man is in Chrift,the whole natureis chang- ed, Lions be turned into Lambes, that is, the very Nature is altered.A Lion doch not carry himfelfe like a Lambe, and remaines a Lion (till ; nor a Serpent like a Dove, and remaine a Serpent ftill ; but the Lion is turned into a Lambe,that is,chere is another nature given; 2 Pet. z .4. A 4 Wee 3b3 $saIV. ob., oó1.3. o6124.. obf, 5. o6f, z. Thole that are in Chriía have ann- ther Na turc.