Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

364 Ssn.FV. s When a thing is laid tobe natural!. 2 It is recei- vetl ; fí`órp latents, C4uizcn. A New Creature, > vhat. tIO*sOlawgew...MOI Wean wade partakers of the divine nature : there is the very word ufed, that is, we have another nature given like the nature of God, and it hath in it all the proper- ties of Nature. As how will you know when a thitag is naturali e You may know it by this that is natural), not which is begotten by precedent aóóìion, but when the faculty is infufed, and then we exercife the operati- ons of ir. So it is in all the faculties of Nature, you have fire a fenfe of Peeing given you before you fee In the things that are not naturali, there then Lions go before the thing, before the faculty or habite; as, when a man 'carries any thing, that is not natural!, as to play on a Lute,or any other Art, he Both many atuions,and then he hath got the habit; and when he hath got it,he doth it eafily, for what is naturali is planted in a man ; fo is this, it is planted in the heart, as the Senfes are, it is infufed into the Soule, and then we exercife the ope- rations of it ; fo th t it is another nature, it is juft as the thing that is natural).' Againe, Nature is that which we receive from our Parents, and whereby we are made like to our Parents. As the Sonne is taken from the Father, and is made like him ; fo this New Creature is wrought by God, and by it, we are made like him. Therefore, Chrifi is laid to be formed in au . 1 travel) in birth till chrill be formed in you: that is,till the Holy Ghoft do change the whole Soule into another Creature ; fo as it is made like thrift in every thing, as the Son' is like the Father; on- ly the difference is in the degrees, as the Son diffireth from the Father in degrees,yet he hath all the linea- ments of the Father, fo you are borne of Chrift, and are like him; Borne, net oftbe will of than, nor of the will ot