Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

36.6 di New Creature, -*bat. sER. IV. we may declare it to you, but God mutt doe it. 'Indeed he cals it reaching,but it is fuck a teaching(as I told you he teacheth Bees and Ants to doe after their kinde, he teacheth the Storke and other creatures todo thus and thus, that is, be puts into them an infiná to doe fo : In this fenfe be teacheth thee to be a New Creature, he puts an inf}iná into thee. All thefe properties are in Na- ture ; therfore we may conclude,w hofoever is in Chrif! mutt have another nature. We will now make de of it. Yfe 2. There be many things profitable arifing from this, Not to that there muff be another nature. defeream. ming to Firff, then learne hence,.not to deferre comming to God. God, becaufe if Repentance were nothing elfe, but an abttinence from the as of fin, 8 refolution to change your courfes, and a feconding of it with fotrie futablc endeavours, you might goe farre, and it may bee, come in hereafter, whenyou °ill your (elves : but if it be another nature that is required, take heed of refu- fing, when God will come and make an offer to thee, becaufe another nature is required. What wilt thou doe Put cafe thou had(' never fo much warning before thou dief},ifthou had(} Ezekiabs warning,if thou hadít fifteene yeares given thee) art thou able to change thy na ure r What then art thoubold on t Why doff thou defer to turne to God a When ever God cals for thee, there mutt be beauty in thee, thou mutt have (as I may fay) a countenance well favoured in fome degree; now if thy face be but befineared with dirt, thou mayeft wath it off, but if it be the changing of a Black - moores skin,how wilt thou do thate Cat the black. moere change his skin ? Therefore, feeing it is a change of Nature, be not too fecure : Thinke not thus (for it is the onely thing