Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, -mhat. 367 thing that keepcs men from comining to God) I will SER.IV. come in, but it Shall be hereafter, I will goe yet a little, further ; this is a very dangerous cafe, becaufe iris a' changing of nature that is required, and no Creature in Heaven and Earth is able to doe this. Therefore,when f thou commeft to die, or when any cro1Pe comes, thou Good mayefi be willing to changc,and thou mayeft take pur- purpofes pofes to thy felfe; but doe we not fee by exp:rience,in extre_ fuch cafes, the Nature is not altered,doe not all returne dome trué to their byas, there is taipttor of athoufand but cloth ir, becaufe it is a forced aûion. Now a none forced up_ ward returnes againe, fo the be many forced actions in time of Temptationt and th oure of death, but í1i11 the nature is the fame, therefore men returne againe. Therefore know this very heart of thine the very na- ture of it mutt be alter;d, it changed into a tight ayric vapour,that may afc elfe it will not hold out, and thou (halt have no comf . om ir, and when it is turned into an ayrie vapour, it mull bee done by alight and heat that comes from heaven : So mull thy heart, it is the Holy Ghoft that mutt doe it, it is onely the Author of Nature that can change Nature, he that made it can renew it. AId as onely fire begets fire, fo onely rh Spirit begets the qualities called the Spirit; the Holy Ghoft mutt breathe this breath of life in thee. This is a thing not confidered, thereforeyou are bold to put it off; if the Holy Ghoft were at thy command, The work if hee would breathe when thou lifteft, it were ano- of espi. ther cafe, but he breathes when and where he liftetb rit nothing is free as the will of the Spirit, he breathes, where he lifts : That it is nomore in thee to alter him than the winds, when the blow to the Eaft canfl thou