Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

368 Sul. IV. A New Creature, `flat. cause it to blow to the Wets, no more canal thou alter the will of the Spirit: Therefore take heed of refuting the offer; when the Lord will offer, it is a dangerous thing to refufe. What the Lord b'ad them in the Gofpell to doe, he is ready to doe him felfe; LVhen you comeinto a Citie, of_ fer peace, if they ` Ìl receivei , fo it is, let it come on them 3 but of they will n® 'stay not ere, #it them go )(bake of the duff <your fett'agaanfl .b such a pe le (hall milli. Confider that, andfçe i..°0-,. to rc be eady to doe it hinaf'e the make an opts as he hen he gave his Difc this comma ke h t he goenot away in anger, he 4,o,-' . > fry hea ne and again, take heed that he s y him . It is the Lords manner, no ma -Je cime of his offer, fome- times at the tr ,r i at tbe,fifth, and h low- times at the laft h c nix .as Uot' band, but whenfoever he o 44$ take,,liee of for if he growes angry, het..: es no molt, . he fhallfweare in his wrath, c(rc. PJal.g :Nat. that is a place worth con - fidcring. The Apoflle perfwades them not to defer Repen- tance, but to come while it is to day,,pur it not off; and he gives them two reafons, Left you be hareined through the deceitfulneffeof f nne, that is, you will not be able to cone in,fin will harden you;againe,lefl the Lord fweare in his wrath, as he did to the Ifraelites. Now, you muff marke, they offended him, once, twice, and thrice,ftill the Lord bore with them, they were rebellious at the Red -fea, and prefently after, yet this the Lordbore with, but there was a time when the Lord will bare with them no longer, yet they lived many yeares after,