Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, bat. 369 after,then he fware in his wrath,and then they were de- Sa It .1V ftroyed. It is true, the Lord is not fo angry for every refufing and fin, which thou committeft, but when he comes to fweare,therc is no retraáing of it then,wher - foever you fiad an oath in the Scripture, there is no re- ' fervation, when he fw,re, he never returned againe. Therefore take heed of an ord Iefus,though he be the Saviour vv g ti e the son left het be angry. Tak , , y r Lange of Na- ture is requir 4 . , . c aft not do, but the Lord Againe, if it ; :c but urge yfe.z. this a little. y content . ' , ` t all the de- not your Then we [ce t . , , 1. `fires that co felveswrch :s? c.natlli: for that is any thing not to have snot cr C' ë f .cy,... , ,v-Z/ ers, that if this be have a beauty in th ey i-", , F eWeis, of the wanting. Graßee, fubjeá to corn . há ítt s the ftalke on tics the that which they grow, thereft.a o D accepts them come fr® not. x nature are : Againe, it is not Moral nothing. ertues, for that is not Z changing of Nature, for they may be got and loft Morall againe. Vcxcues. Againe, it is not the Tranfient alts of Handle 3 which the HoLy Ghoft works in the heart, when hee comes as a piffenger for a night,or as a Sojourner fora hotineífe. mouth or two,but he mutt come to be A Inhabitant, and fo as the Soule is in the body, to make "Ile Nature another Nature. LA of all, it is not any good Intentions, any good Good in- Dail CS, any good purpofes,butanother Nature. tensions: and pur- Therefore take heed that you doe not deceive your pores. íel,qes