Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

AMIN 37o SER, iv. 4 New Creature, what. Celves, and that is a thing we are exceeding apt to bee deceived in, becaufe we have other purpofes we thinke all is well : this wee mull Tooke to, for there bee ma- ny times when men are very prodigall of good pur- poles, as when they come to receive the Sacrament, or in time of apprehenfion of death, or it may be you will purpofe to leave fin, when you have fmarted for force fin you have committed ; you then meane to alter all, and you thinke you are well, becaufe you have other defires and purpofes in you,but it is not fo, there muff be another Nature, that is, thefe pu, pofes G o D re- gards as nothing, for indeed they are worth nothing, when there are new purpofes, and the old Nature con- tinues Bill, they come to the birth, and when they have done fo,hThere no firexgth to bring forth, that is, when the pu: ,r e new, and the nature old,they are not able to d1 e ere, bars is,like a new peecc in an old garment, tha .:tl.ire is not able to lute with new purpofes, but t ekes r reakes forth, and the ren is greater than it was: ufuallyit is, when we have the old nature, and take' new purpofes, there is not a futableneffe, and the rent is made greater than it was. A man returnes againe tofin,and is worfe than he was; but when there is another Nature,as well as otherpur- pofes, then the purpofes live there, as Creatureslive in their owne Element, and as branches live and grow on- their owne róots, but when purpofes are holy and good, and the nature bad, they are as Plants planted in a foile not proper to them, where they will not grow nor propper, becaufe the foile is not futable to them : therefore let us not content our felves with thefe good Purpofes and Tranfent Ads, there muff bee ano- ther