Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, what. ther Nature. For thefe good purpofes,what are they but as blofTomesnipt with untimely Profs r they may make a faire Phew, and come to nothing, as a tree that promifech largely, bath bloflámes very faire, but you fhall finde no fruit on it ; fo it is when Nature is not good : There is fo much in Nature, that is in a man not fandified, that he hath thefe two things : Firf, he may approve of the Law of God. And fecondly, have a dcfire to be Paved. Put thefe two together, Approbation of the Law of God, and Defire to be faved ; they will bring forth a purpofe of change of life, they are able to doe that, but now the heart is not changed : As in Deutero- nomie the fifth Chapter, and the nine and twentieth Verse you fhall finde a , ezpreffio; here, when ci3?ofes told the peopl-r-_ i t G ;.would fpeake to them by a man like t they made a faire promife that they would dóá at the L o R n com- manded them : cAlafes anfwirrc i them, You have Paid well ; But, o that there rvereMan heart in this people to keeps Gods Commandements, and to dot them, that it may goe well with them and their children. As if bee had Laid, I know you fpeake no more than you thinke, I know that you are resolved to doe what the Lord will !, appoint, but you have your old hearts fill : oh that there were an heart there. So they that take new Purpofes to themselves, it is well : but we may fay, O that there were in them an i heart ! For it fares with men in this cafe, as with them fpoken of in Scripture ; one fäid, hee would goe into the Vineyard, and did not. I 371 SE RAY. Naturall men may appprove of Gods Law.