Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

371 SEAN. 4 New Creature,what. Ic is a frequent cafe, when men fay, they willgoe into G o n s Vineyard, they doe not, becaufe they are not able, till they have another Nature : It is an intent above their ftrength ;therefore content not your felves with Purpofes. 121412t, c-v **** FI_ FT-I aN VPO1`I NENA/ CR. E. f. rJ ` `' P ,'11 . ,, Tl;éreore i t äytixon:be is Chrifl let him bee'. a New Creature. ''10-* took that good per formances be natural to you. Hirdly,if its be required of every man, that he have another Nature, then we mutt lead you a ftep further than wee did before, you muft not only, not content your felves with good purpo_ fes and def res , but more than that with good and holy aäions : It is not enough that you doe the anions that are holy and good, that your lives be holy and good in great meafure, or for a fit, but the Nature muft be altered, that is, it is not enough that thou ext rcifeft meekeneffe and temperance, gentleneffe and