Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A_,New C.rEaturr;-Ibhat. and humility, but thou mutt bean humble man, and a meeke man, a man lowly in fpirit,ofafober and rem perate dilpofìtion, thy very naturemuff be turned into this ; that is, thefc graces mutt be fo incorporated into thee, as it they were con- naturallto thee: therefore it is faid of David, not only that he did what was good., and Gods will, but he had an heart after Gods heart fo it muff: be true of all the S ts,.forGoddelights not hut in the heart : Therefo*in Pfaló5 I.6. Thou loveft truth in the inner parts, therefore ¡4 thou taughttme rrif dome in the ferret of my hearr .that. is, though the out- ward performances be good' in themf ls' yet thou delighteft not in them, that which thou delightetin,is' to have another Nature, to have truth in' the itláid parts ; that is, when the inward frame of the if aP zt tered,when that is feraright,tlierihfore thou hdf t (èght me wifdome in myhidden par-ts,, inr My heard theáih -ift not onely ;given me wifdorne to behave my'feldie well abroad in my a6tions and carriage, but thou hafF Bade me wife .in -the fecret of my heart. e w c. - a? ,o Y= it is laid of iofhua, he had another if cl`te í'e Ííätá notcorne into that Land: therefore fee iftltìou haft fuch a change in thy hearr,that thou doeft not only do good things, but that ,thou doeft them in,that manner, that thou doeft natural! °a lions, that rs,= ih fuch a manlier, that thou canft not but doe them, as i John 3.9. They cannot fine, fir they are borne of GW. -' They have ano. ther nature, what followes on thl t' Therefore they Cannot fine ,áls ;a than cannot doe againft Nature, they cannot doe any thing againft the truth. Agaioe, on the other fide, they cannot chufe butdo good, asa:tnan cannot tfe.butdo that which-is .natu 'who him. B b Die i i