Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

How to know our suture is altered. vsnf v. I It is ea- flame. . New Creature, Via. Doe not fay, This Rule is thief, who can beam it e Doe we make it firaiter than the Holy Ghoft doth e What elfe is the meaning of it, Whofeever ù in Chrijf, ú a New Creature? that is, bath another Nature all we doe, mt;ft come from another Principle, which is the fame to thee now, which Nature was before, all muff be altered ; ts; we fay of Creatures, that which is dogs - meat, is a fheepes poyfon; fo it is true of men, when the Nature is changed, there is not only an alteration of a ts,but what was his ineat before, is now his poy- fon ; and what was, poyfon to him before, is now his delight, it' is that he feeds on. But you will fay, How !hall I know when my Na- ture is altered r It is a matter of great moment, no man can be faved.without it, and it is nothing to have holy 'purpofes, defires, and actions, but the Nature mutt be altered ; therefore it Rands us in hand to know it, You (hall know it briefly by this : Firf}, what you doe naturally, you do itconftantly,you doe it ordinari- ly : for Nature is a confiant thing. In things not natu- ral!, there may be much inequality, they may continue for a rime, and be laid afide againe, as a peece gilded' over, long wearing will weare off-the guilt ; but what if the Lead or Silver be turned into Gold a Then it will bee Rill the fame: fo it is with tic man, whole nature is changed, he will be confiant, the fame nature will hold out and continue. A Wolfe that puts on a Sheepesclo- thing, may bee like a Sheepe, but is not turned into a Sheepe : we are turned into Sheepe, as thrift turned Lions into Lambes, Serpents into Doves, that is, he alters the very nature, when that is done, then a man is alway like himfelfe,indeed he dothit by degrees,as you (hall