Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

if New Creature, what. 375 (ball heare hereafter, but he is Ail! the fame. There- SLR. V. fore confider what conf{ancy, what evenntIii, what equality is in your Nature ; for if there be another na- ture given you, if you be other men, you doe not aá another perfon,for then you may be ready to put it off, and: lay it afide, but your nature is altered, and fo your carriage will be confiant. Againe, what is naturali to thee, is pleafant, becaufe 2 indeed all pieafure is nothing elfe, but a futablencile to i Ai pka- our Nature. Let the naturebe what it will be; any thing futable to it will be pleafant: Therefore it is a conclufi.' on the Philofophers had, that, that light which is Con - venieutißima natura , is the pleafantcfi light. Now if thou have another nature, all the wayes of God will be pleafant to thee, It will be meat anddrinks to thee to doe his will. ' Again, if it be natural!, thou wilt not be fubjeá to 3 weartneffe. Another man is úi11 going up the hill ; It is "_ when he is about holy duties, and growes weary, and wearied. fits dowse, and is not able to continue; but what we doe naturally, we are not weary of; The eye is not wea- ry with feeing, nor the care with hearing, becaufe it is na- turali: The aflîduity of holy duties, wearieth out any man that bath another nature ; but let the nature be al- tered, and he holds out, they be fo fare from wearying him, that they abilitate him, they make him more able, the burthen growes lighter, and the way more eafie, when to another man it is hard, and he calls it off. 3 Again; if it be natural!, it willout -grow the contra- It will ry, it will weary it out; for Nature is neerer to as, mare out than that which is adventitious. Sin is put out of pof- s that fefl'ion,a mans felfe is altered, fin doth not dwell there, l .Y B b 2 but