Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

i New Creature, nhat. 377 ty there is fomething new, that puts a good tinóture, a beauty, and glare on every aûion thou doeft ; fo as though thou doe much of the old, yet not fo much as thou didtt before, and thou doeft much that thou couldft not doe before. Therefore be not difcouraged, though there be fome inclinations left 'till, yet the ftreame is weakned, the vigour is abated : and againe, there is a contrary ftreame that oppofeth, refifteth, and overcommeth it. It may be at the firft, thou may. eft finde it more difficult, but in continuance thou fhalt find it more evident.' cannot better refemble it to you, than by a man newly recovered out of ficknefie, take a man that is newly recovered, as Toone as his difeafe begins to lofe his ftrength, and health begins to enter, the health is exceeding little at the firft, but you fhall finde this in fuck a man, that health is in every parr, and you fhall find it will grow í}i11 and get ground.And againe, although a man be exceeding weake, not able to goe out of his chamber ; not able, it may be, to goe out of his bed, yet the fickneffe is gone and fubdued, and health path got the vitory;fo the fickneffe growes weaker and weaker, and health fironger and fironger : fo Sincerity is the leaf} of all Graces at the firft, and growes to be the greaten at the end : therefore, though there be the fame inclinations in thee flill,yet it is like a tickneffe when a man is upon point of recovery, when the health begins to enter in, there is a great weakneife remains, but the health over.ballanceth it. Therefore,be not difcouraged for that, only,be fure that thou finde thofe Inclinations die in thee more and more, and that health growes more and more; for lulls are faid to be mortified, not becaufe they are aCually B b 3 dead SER. V. Similie. Sincerity little at the fiat,