Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

378 if New Creature, what. SEtt. V . dead already, but becaufe they are dying, a wound is given them, and they will be dead. A man is faid to have a new life, becaufe he is growing towards ir; fo a man is a New Creature, not becaufe heis perfectly new, but that is the end he lookes to. Fourthly, if wee muff have another Nature, then. T ab4. hor furely, the Nature we hadbefore the old Nature, muff To the old needs be very bad, for nothing is to be changed, but nature, &. e`k t° you change it for the contrary.. Now if this be requi. to have it red as good, the other tuft be abhorred as evill: There_ have fore learne, not to excufe your owne nature, or your fin from ir, but abhorre it ; this is a point ofgreac ufe, and _diredly:flowing from the words If another na. tore be required, the old nature isbad, and mutt be ha. ced,abhorred,and emptied forth: now becaufe men are exceeding apt to excufe themfelves from our nature; they think their finis fo much Ieffe,, *auk they have a ftrong inclination to ir. They arc deceived in this, for the finne is fo much the greater ; if the Sparke be fo much, what is the Fornace within t if the Branches be fo birter,what is the Root ti Therefore make this ufe of the aduall fins which you commit, they fhould be as rivers to lead you to the Sea of corruption within you : You (hall fce, the Saints made this ufe of their inward Rom, y. t. corruptions. Paul, feeing the rebellion of his flefh, it led him to the body of finne, amazed him, he complai. ned before, but when he came to that, he grew to an extremity ofcomplaint, as if that were worfe than all the branches. SoDavidconfidering his murther, &c. made him to know what it was to be conceived in fin, for at that time he comes to that complaint intheoné and fiftieth Pfalme, I mac conceived in finne, Aydin ini- quity