Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, what. 379 pity hath my mother brought me forth I fay, thefe par- Ss x. V. ticular finnes thould lead us to know our nature. So did lob when he faw what his failings had beene, he lookes to himfelfe and abhorres himfelfe. It may be, this bath beene taught you, you are to be humbled for your finnes, and for the evill akions that you have done; and this you ought to doe, but we mutt lead you further, you mutt be humbled for your nature, and in- deed this humbles a man,a man is never humble til then; for a man may think his actions bad, & confelle them, yet he may thinke his Nature is not bad; but when he fees that his nature is bad, he abhors himfelfe; now, humiliation is like that: when a man comes to abhorre himfelfe, it is a greater degree, than for a man to ab- hor his ations; as it is Laid ofiob, he abhorred him- felfe; Lo thou mutt learn to abhor thy felfe, to Abhor that nature that is in thee. We are very backward in this, every man is ready, toexcufe himfelfe, though I did this and that, it is my nature, but thou muff know that the corruption within,is more than the fin without. Now this humiliation mutt not rea meerely in this, to abhor thy felfe,but it muff lead thee further,to have it renued, as thou wilt never feeke to have another Na- ture till thou be humble; when thou commefl to abhor thy felfe, thou wilt labour for another Rife, and not before, thou wilt then be content,yea defirous that that old heart of thine may be broken in peeces, and that thou be made new. Bur, you will fay, What Ihall I doe to have this old ,9,8e fl, Nature made new e Goe to Chrift, the fame actions bee ufed when L41, f v. bee railed Lazarasa, the fame actions he doth, when he,: B b 4 raifeth