Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

I 3 $1 A New Creature, vhat. _° Sax. y. raifeth any to life; therefore the fame courfc mull be taken, that was taken to raife Lazes/4 from the dead : What was that r To beleeve in him. You have in ¡ohn r 1 4. it is Paid, This is befallen him, the the glory ofthe Son ofman may be fiene: that is,that Ch rift may be glo- rified. So the blinde man was faid to be blinde for the How to glory of God : So it maybe faid of the old Nature in get our rent man, of the death that bath gone over all mankinde ; therefore it is that God nia be glorified, that is nued. Chew his power in renuing m y s Chrift faid Mary, Did I not fay to thee beleeverBeleeve only and thou f halt fie the power and glory ofGod: So fay I to every one of you ; only beleeve, that is, go to God, befeech him, and give not over, and beleeve that he is able and willing to do it,and he will not deny thee, he will raife thee from the dead, he will change that old nature of thine,and know it is no (mall matter to beleeve he can do it;Lord, f ith he,ff thou wilt, thou coif make me clean. It was a great matter to fay fo : Examine thy felfe, and fee if it be fo with thee, cana thou fay to Chrifl, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canfl heale this nature and difpof Lion of mine a Men are difcouraged when they fee fin bath got ground of them, they have had a long combare with ir, and cannot overcome it. It is an hard thing to go to Chrifl and fay,Lord,thou canft make me whole;but thou muff beleeve, for he can doe ir, and doth it daily, therefore go to him, beg earneffly of him, and he will change this nature of thine, and make thee a New Creature. Fare not Againe, fifthly, if wee have another nature, then falling a. doe not feare falling away, for when a man is made way, a New Creature once, he hath another nature,if G race were