Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

-- r------ A New Creature, T'bat. were nothing but a thing infufed, an adventitious qua - lity,that did only adhere to us,we might lofe it againe, but having another nature, never feare that thou canft be changed to the contrary, for thou haft another Na- ture. Indeed you muff goe thus farre, you may lofe Fiore'', (as we fay) but not Radicem; allure, but not Po. tentiam, you may lofe the Flower, the branches may be cut downe, but life remaines in the Root ; you may lofe the Ate, but not the power, you may lofe the de- grees; you may lofe it Gradaaliter, notTotaliter. And lady, you may lofe the fente., you may have Gratianu fine leap grathe, you may lofe the fenfe of it, but not the thing ; you may lofe the ufe, the root and fubftance you cannot; you may lofe the degree, not the whole: that is, when you are once a member of Chriíl, there may be a benumming, that may hinder the influence of blond and fpirits, but fo as it (hall never be gangred, it (hall never die againe ; there may be a cloud on you, but the Sunne (hall never fet on you. But, you will objed, Grace (fit felfe is of a muta- ble nature; for that which is fubjed to decay in part, is fubjeet to decay in the whole. Againe, it is a Crea- ture, and every Creature is fubjed to perifh. Againe, we fee that the Angels and Adamin Paradife had grace as true as we yet they fell from it. I anfwer, It is true; Grace of it felfe may perifh, it is poffible, it may dye, for it is a Creature, and may perifh as well as any other, confidered in it felfe, but if wee confider it as united and joyned to Chrift k- ills, fo it cannot faile you for, you mutt know, Grace In every mans heart, is like light in the aire, and like water in the Cifterne : now it is true, if the Sun fet, the light 382, SIR. V objea. Anfrv. Grace u- nited to Chrift cannot perifh..