Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

SER. V. A New Creature, 'What. light will vanifh, and if the Spring fhould drie up the water, the River would dry up too rtiüt,feeing the Sun never Pets, that is,Chrift never departs from you,when he bath taken you to himfelfe, and feeing the Spring never dries up, though grace of it felfe be of a muta., ble nature, yet by reafon otahat conjunction with him, it can never be altered, and thence it is that you cannot fall off. It is true, if we were cut off from Chrift, Grace fhould wither, as the Branch being cut off' from the .Root, but being knit to him, the Sap muff be in the Branches , becaufe it is in the Root, and life will be in the members, becaufe itisin the-Head : therefore, we fay, no man can fall from Grace, be- caufe hee cannot bee cut off, once on, and never off, once his, and never feparated againe, as Rom. 8.35. The Apofle goes through variety of things, that may feeme to be able to feparate us, but nothing can, and feeing nothing can fèparare you, you fhail'have alway Sap, that is, Grace, it (hall never be taken from you, when once you have it. So that ifa member may be cur offfrom Chrifts body, it might perifh and dye, but as Chrift dyes no more,fo every one in Chrift dies no more ; Rom. 6.9. Chri dyes no more, fo every one in him dyes nomore : that is, he lives as Chrift lives:There- fore, if there can be no disjugtion from Chrift, thou maye(t comfort thy fife, thou (halt have grace for ever. Therefore comfort your felves, my Brethren, with there words,do you regard an Inheritance above a Leafe, becaufe an Inheritance is a confiant thing r Doe you regard Pearles above Flowers, becaufe they will not wither e Why then doeyounot get Grace, which is fo confiant a thing. Be not dilcouraged, glue not over