Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, 1)2/mt. f 383 t over your fight; for feting Grace (hail never have an I SE R. `7, end in you, you fhb be lure to overcome, you may have many an hard bickering, but you are fore to hold out. Difcouragement is a great meanes to make a man fit Rill ; I fhall never getviEtory over my fins, and then - I (hall be cut off. No, it is impoffible, when it is once Ì planted, it (hall grow, thou (halt have the victory. Sixthly, if comming to Chrift, we (hall have.ano- yfe S. ther naturc,then be not difcouragcd to fetupon fo holy Be nor aur- a work. Indeed, if this neceffity were laid on thee, to with the ferve God in newneffe of life with an old heart,it were difficulty an hard task,and very intolerable, thou hadit reafon to °zany du- fitdowneand never attempt it. But this is for comfárt y Thou (halt have another nature. All difficulty arifeth Difficult from difproportion, betweene the faculty and the ob- whence is jed, or the thing to be done.As for a man ofa (hallow s, underftanding,to beput to ftudy an hard thing,the diffi- culty is,there is no proportion betweene his underftan. ding and the,burthen of the thing:lay a great burthen on a childe,and he cannot beare it,but were he as ftrong as the burthen, it were nothing. If God fhould im pole on thee newneffe of life, and fuller thee to keepe thy old nature, it were an hard taske and thou wilt never per - forme it,thou wilt find that difficulty in it, by realon of the difpy oportion betweene thy nature and the duty but feeing thou (halt have another nature,be not difcou- raged,gu on with comfort,and remember that the bell nature in the world, if God change it not, it will not ferve the turne. And the worfe nature, if thou thinkeft thou haft a worfe nattfre than others, if he will change it, he is able to do it, with readinefff and facility,there- fore be not difcouraged. A(aine