20 SER.1. Humiliation before lufti fication. to prefl'e this e I hope I am not now to pratife there principles and rudiments, I hope I have done this duty of Humiliation long agoc. It is well if thou haft, but take heed thou deceive not thy felfe in this cafe, than which there is not a greater evill in the world, even to thinke thou haft done.ir,when thou haft not. I will give thee one note of it : Is it fuch an humiliation as hath brought thee to CH R I sr To count Him the chiefeft good, to over. -goe any thing rather than Him, to Band out againtt.all perfecutions, rather than to forfake Him; canfl thou forfake all Syrens, all lulls and pleafures which allure thee a Art thou thus brought home to CH R i s r, to efteeme Him above all things, that come what will come, hadit thou an hundred lives to part with for Him , all were nothing a Art thou thus brought home with Hu- miliation, that thou wilt not let CH R I s r goe for any thing,neithcr loffes nor pleafures, nor temp - tations on the right and left handethen thou art come homeindeed ; otherwife thou haft not taken Him truely, neither art humble, for thou muft know there is much counterfeit 'Humiliation , there bee many light wounds that may trouble thee, but not bring thee to thePhyfitian. G o awakens finners, but what kinde of awakening is it a With fuck awa- kening that they fall allege againe. G o » may fend many mcffengers of wrath to knocke at the doore of ' their hearts, which perhaps difquiets and troubles them a little, abut they return to their reíl againe. And this o» may noe onelydoe outwardly, but lice may cat: many fparkes of His difpleafure into their ; nfw. Whether Hu- miliation be true. Counterfeit Humiliation.