Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

384 S&R. V. Yfe2. A change of nature is a ground ofcomfort Two things in fiat fruits. 4 New Creature, ivbat. Againe,if thy nature be changed,thou ttmu be corn forced : Comfort your (elves in this, that you have another nature (and fo wewill end this point) for it is a very great comfort, a comfort beyond that which perhaps you imagine, for the Saints are too flow, too backward to confider their confolations, their privi_ ledges, the glorious condition they are in : therefore glory in that, comfort thy felfe in that, that thou haft another nature given thee. But, you fay, what benefit have I by that I will not hand on it, but name one place, lames i. a. Me bath begot acs again with the Word oftruth, that we f hould be abode of irfi fruits of his Creatures : that is, he bath given us another nature: And what doe we get by that r by this meanes you are made Prinsitis, the firii fruits of his Creatures. There are two things in that, when we arc laid to be fiat fruits, we are the creme and the prime ofall his Creatures, as the fiat fruits were the crearne of all the field, the top ofall the Creatures of God; and is not that a glorious condition that this new Nature puts us into that be changed,that it willmake you the higheft in that kínde, this is a great priviledge : there is a wonder- full difference betweene Angels aad Devils, one is the tap, and the other is the bottome, all the difference is only this, New Nature : therefore, when thou haft a New nature, thou art put into a high and glorious con- dition, and this is the fiat fenfe , that we are New Creatures. Then there is another, by being the fiat fruits, you fant`lifie the whole field; all the world fares the better for you; for the fire fruits are, not only the belt,