Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

d New Creature, 'hat. I 38 bef ,but theyfanctifie all the reft, that is, all mankinde ; SE R.' V. receives good from you. When Lot was out of Sodome,it was fet on fire,w hen the Ifraelites were once out of the red Sea, the waters returned and drowned Pharaoh: So Gods children fatt- etifie the 'whole lumpe therefore you have a great , '` 9 priviledge by being New Creatures : So much for this that you tnuft have another nature. Now the nest point is, there muftbeanewn:ffe, o1J 3. Whof ever is' in Chrifl,let him be a New creature : Fróm 1r be a,7:: thence many things are tobe gathered ; As irrft, if wé creature. muff be New Creatures, then are we redeemed from confec a- old cuflomes, there is a lingring in our nature after that tiienee. we have beenelong accuftonied to doe, old flaunts are r very prevalent. Cuftonie is as an Iron chaise, to tyc That we us to the things that are evill. Now thou mu(t be a are redee New Creature, Old Cuftomes are fuch as Chrift died lddcu- to redeetne thee from; Even from the vaine converfation Romes you have received from your Fathers. Therefore, you that are held in any by.wayes, remember that you are bound tobe New Creatures, and take heed that cuftome prevaile not with you ; for it is exceeding prevalenr,be_ caufe it is pleafant, as is long accuftomed to, is very pleafant, for cu(tome breeds another nature, and what is fo fumble to us,as things con- naturall with us, and what are fo, are very *gm man will be loath to come out of a thing which he cua °,,,e hula rna- C bath much Beene accitftomed to : Fir ft, it wins of our ny adyan- Iudgements,or our opinions,and that is the reafon why rages a- young men are not able to judge,and other men that are gamil gams accuftomed to evill courfes have judged already, and upon our will not judge againe ; and by this meanes cuftome pre_ 3mdr1 s, vailes