Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

386 SE R.V. z. It is trouble- fome to alicr it. ;. Ace plead for it. 4. It breeds Sentclef- ucife. A New Creataare, wbat. vailes exceedingly, for it is not onely pleafant, but it wins of our judgement. Againe it is exceeding troublefome to change,when a man is accuftom_ d in a thing, it is eafie to continue in that courfe, but to go out is troublefome. And again, we thinke it a difparagemenr,what have we lived thus long, thus many yeares together in this traa, and (hall now change it And which is worfe than all the ref: Cufome breeds a fen felcffenefíe; Take heed that you be not hard - ned through the deceit fulnefe of fin, that eultome takes not away all fenfe; Confitetudo peccandi tollit f nfam pec- cati ; It is not an eafie thing to leave an old cuflome; but remember,t hat ifyou be in Chrifi, you muff be Nov Crea- tures : He flied his blond to redeeme you from fin, that is, he hath paid a deere price to redeeme you from the bondage ofcuflomes, from your old Convert tion;rhere. fore doe not fay you have long donc ir, and will doe it fill, Antiqua confuetudo, is nothing elfe bur vetuflaa er. roris : Men do excufe their evill ations from their cu- flome in them,but know it is no good excufe, to excufe fecond errors with a former. Doef thou think it a good excufe to fay,I have done it thus long and therefore will do it fill r Yeeld nor to ir, but know thou ought( to be changed, have this (fill in thy minde, thou mutt have a new nature, thou art re- deemed from thy oldcufomes:and this I (peak not on- ly to the old,bur to the young. I call it old, not becaufe men have long continued in it, but becaufe it is futable to the old nature. Youlhould therefore rather make a contrary life ofir,and be ready to fay,feeing.1 have con- tinued in fuch a conrfe fo long,it is time for me to alter; it AMU