Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

111111111, i4Neu) Creature, vhat. it is too much that I have îpent fo much time amiffe, I have fuffered chrifi to wait,and knock til his head be wet with the dew,hefhal wait nolonger,lwil now open to him; for therefore are we New Creatures, that we may be redeemed and freed from there old cuílomes. Secondly, if thou mutt be new, then let it not feeme ( frange tothee ;that the world wonders at thee; for any thing that is new,we are apt to wonder ar,as at new Liars that have not appeared before,& at new fafhions. This is the condition of all Saints co he wondre°d at, land the children whom thou hailgiven me, are as fignes and won- ders in Ifrael. If it were among Turkes is were another matter, but it is fo in Ifrael. Be not difcouraged for this, make account of ir, the world will wonder at New creatures,and let it not teem ftrange; for when thou knoweft that all the world /yes' in wickedneffe, as in a lohn 5.19. And knoweft that thou art a New Creature,why wilt thou be difcouraged? Let the Mathematition be working according to his Art, he drawcs lines according to his Rule, if a Countrey -man laugh at him, will he give over and be difcouragedr He will not doe fo,for he knowes it is the mans ignorance: fo if thou approveft thy felfe to God, if thou keepeft a good conscience in all things towards God, and towards men,rhe world wil wonder at ir,yet thou goeft by Rule, it is their ignorance,it feems firange to them,and there- fore they (peak evill;It is the multitude that doth ir,and the multitude doth alway cast fhame on that,w'hfhamcs them: know it is the fathion of the world to doe lo, the hfe of the Saints is a fecret cenfure,now there is no way for the world to helpe themfelves, but toblernifh that which (hams them, to caft fhame on that, to blemifh .chat as much as can be. There_ 387 SE R. V, Confie7. 2. Wonder not th:,t the world wonders at thee. tray ti.rS Why the world di f. graces the Saints.