Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

3.88, if New Creatures what. SEE, v. Therefore the old world Both put away all, that may ditcover them : As the Painter when he had pi- dured a Cocke very ill, commands his Boy to drive a- away all true Cockes from the pitture; for, faith he, if they come neere it,all menwill fee what a bungler I am, but if no true Cockes come neere, it may paffe welle. nough: After this manner doth the world, As long as no New Creature comes neere, their oldncffe is not faene, it is not taken notice of; they doe well enough, but if there be one in a Cou.ntrey or Towne, or one of a Society, whofe coutfe is of another fafhion, that hath another life that is,a New Creature,when he Rands by, the old will appeare, and they will have it driven away: I would the times were not fuck as that I neede prefìè this. Indeed it is a great weakeneffe to be difcouraged in the wages of God, and to be afhamed of that which fhould be our glory. It hath alway beene the manner of the world,and that may comfort thee; for the world is as the Sea that cáfts out Pearles, but this is my corn- fort, fotne will gather them up, fame know them to be Pearles, and prize them fo, though the world calls them out as mud, yet the Lord knowes what thou art, The world loves her omme,butwhat is not like,thcmfelves, the world cannot love as the /Ethiopians pieture Ait gels rblacke and Devils white=.; fo doth the old world, what is blacke like themfelves, they reckon beautiful), but they that have the true beauty they honour not, be. caufe they are not like them. Therefore if thou findeft ill entertainement in the world, thou mull know, every Nt w Creature (hall have it : And let me -1áy this of the Old world,thataro