Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

1 New Creature, 'hdt. ready to call fhame on the new Creatures,you fay yon doe it not to the New Creatures, not to them that are religious, but you doe it to Hypocrites: Let me fay thus much to you before I pallé this point. Thole Men whom of all others you may thinke not to be New Creatures, may be the bell men; as a Philofopher an- fwered, and it was a wife anfwer, when an ignorant man asked him,who was an happy man, whereas Men reckon Kings and Princes happy Men A He anfwered, He that of all others thou thinkeft molt happy, may be molt unhappy ; and he whom thou thinkefl moll unhappy, may be molt happy : So thofe that be difii - ked for the moil part, are thefe New Creatures, and thofe Men fpoken well of, are of another flock, like themfelves. Thirdly, if we mull be New Creatures, then pull Conf c . downe all that is old ; for whatfoever is old muff be re. 3. jetted, a Man mull in every thing be another Man than downe he was: So as thou mayeft fay, I had fuch a luft, fuch a ld ha, is dif pofition, my delight was in fuch things, fuch Men, fuch company; now I am changed, all is made new. So that thy bufineffe is to pull downe now,and to build up, that is the bafineffe of every Man to be (till pluck- ing downe the old building, whatfoever is old, what- foever is in thy kite, in thy old felfe, thou mull be emptied of, and thou mutt be new, that is, Thou mull purge out the old leaven, z Cor.5.7. Purge out the old lea- ven, for Chsa/l your Palfeover to offered : If that was to í)e done for the fhadow, mull it not be done for the lub(lance The Apoftle prelfeth it fo, Purge out all the old leaven, all muff be purged, all old things mull be taken away ; there was a ftrait charge that they mull C c fearch 389 SER. y,