Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

4,0.`3 78 SE It VI: Sin like old leaven objea. New Creature, Tvhat. fearch their houfes, yea, every corner of their cup. board, nor any place lhouldbe left unfearched, and it was to be done exaQly, that in the loft corner there fhould be no leaven left : -So thou mutt fearch all the corners of thy heart, all the turnings of thy converfati_ on, the old leven muff be purged out all, out of thy un_ derftanding, out of thy tongue, there muff be no more thy old fpeech and language, out of thine eyes, there mutt be no more wantonneffe; out of thine eares, eve- ry part of the old man, of tine old leaven, muff be pur- ged out of the whole Soule, there is no queftion of that, and of thy body too ; all the manner of thy con- vertation mutt be holy ; all old leaven mull be purged our, becaufe it is old leaven; and you mull keepe the Paffeover with that which is new, with new dough, with the New Creature. For fin is like old leaven, now leaven when it is old is the worft,as every thing gets ftrength from their age, and it is of that Nature, that ifchey do not purge it out, it will leaven the whole lumpe: if there be any jot of leaven left, it (hall fowre all thy heart. Sin is like a fret- ting leprofie that will run over all ; to leaven is ítrong, it fowres quickly and fpeedily. But you will fay, How (hall I doe that,. then I ¡hall be free from all fin The meaning is,thou muff diflike all,fin'muft be put out of poífeflion, it muff be emptied forth, thou mull be in war with it all, that is, thou mutt refill all, . if any be not purged out, that thou fuffereft it to lye quietly without refilling, it will leaven the whole, therefore purge all out. But muff all the old buildingbe pulled downe; Is there