Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, -*bat. there nothing to be left there r W hat Iha11 we do with our naturali difpofitions t You muft kuow,that only the oldneffe is to be taken away,but the nature it kite is to continue,there is mtìch ufe of nature,' only you muff know, grace takes away the obliquity,the oldneffe,the fowrenefle of ir,and puts a fweetncfle into ir. As a Ship under faile, the wind is profitable to drive the Ship, rite it will not go, all the matter is in the Rudder,thar it be turned the right way. So Naru' e, the ftrength ofNcure, affeElions,or what - foever they he, are lik_ the wind to drive the Ship,thou mayeft retaine them, only godlinefïe mutt fit at the Sterne, the oblhgíúty mull be taken away, the nature mull be lefr,rhou mutt fo pull downe -the old building, that the fame materials maybe ufed againe,thenaturali affeáions may conrinae in thee fill!, but there mull be another Auriga, another to drive them, and that is this newnefl'e. For example, a man is naturally fad, he may conti- nue this, the oldnefh- of that is, teat it fpends it felfe in earthly forrow and worldly difcontenr, when grace comes, when the new man comes, it powres it felfe forth in Prayer, Is any roan /id ? Let himpray. Soh may be thouart naturally mei ry,grace takes not away this dtfpofirion,bur wheras before it was fpent in vaniry;now he that is merry fangs Pfälmes ;Let him that /4 merry ling Pfalmes; hat is,a mans tnerrïnefle is turned to an holy cheer fulneffe, the diffoluçenefle is taken away, but the difpofi ion contirruf s titi! :Rd /gig eft lata;though n ot,drfulut a. So it m.ay be thou art of a facile nature,be- fore it was to evil, and foon drawn away by evil,when grace comes thou mull be facile to good. It may bee C c. 2 thou y.r.._ 379 Sa RAU. nfay. Grace takes no: away na- ture, but the old- neffe of it.