Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

392 .Q New Creature, .bat. i.Vi. thou haft a fturdy difpofition, full of metall and - rage, whereas before it was to attempt evill things with much violence, now it is let on good enterprizes with as much zeale, fo there is nothing to bepulled downe, only the oldneffe muft be taken away. inittitUilitte# sitttsi2ttitr******ItT THs SIXTH SERMON VPpN THE NEVV CREATVRE. 2 Cox. 5.17. Tberefore if a man be in Chrifl, let bin; bee a New Creature. Corfu. ry T Caine, if we muft be New Creature, if 4. that mutt be the condition of every man Wonder fib s not at the have another new man begun in him; uneven. klJ then wonder not at the unevenneffe noire which is found in the lives of the belt of n is found in the Saints. For if there be fomething new, and Lome- oun the lives thing old, (as there is) there mull needs be an uneven- of the beß neffe, as where there be two contrary principles, mo. men. ving two contrary wayes, the body mull needs be mo- ved with fome unevennefre, and 'inequality : therefore be not difcouraged, for that you are not perfe l in all things,