Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

4 New Creature, mint. 393 things, you have fomething new in you, and fomething Sick. VI.' old; only take heed you be not miflaken in it. For there is a great difference betweene the unevennefle befalling the Saints, which are New Creatures, and the uneven- mire in the wayes of the wicked, there is a great diffe- rence between the failings that they are fubjed to,who are upright - hearted, and betweene the failings of them that are rotten and not found at heart. You will ask, how fhall I know the difference e objeFt. This is the difference: A,ftty. There be force men whom Saint Lames complainer Difference of in his firfl Chapter, that are unflable in all their fl enne wayes, and in the fixth Chapter of Saint Matthew, that newe in have not a fingle eye : If the eye be Jingle, the body is. the saints, and in the light; but if the eye be double, all the body is full of darke- wicked. neffe : That is,there are caufes why men walke uneven- ly, one is becaufe they are as in biviet, they know not which way to choofe, they are yet in doubt what to pitch on; as a man flanding between two objects,&not knowing which way to choofe, but fometimcs will be with one, fometimes with the other, according as his different temper guides him,he will not pitch refolutely on either : So it is a double eye, becaufe of the objects ; it lookes on two objecs, now on one, and now on an. nether ; now it is carried this way,now that way.This is a thing every where condemned in the Scripture; but EYe fingle and iota. there is difference betweene this and a fingle eye, that ble. hath one objecl,that bath chofèn God for his God,but followes him with much weakneffe,with much imper- fttnefle; this man hath a fingle eye, and hath pitchrd on God ; another bath two things in his eye, one thing I do de fare, faith David, and ene thing will I Peke for, 6.e. C c 3 And