Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A 378 A New Creature, 7vbat. SEa,VI. And I have chofen to run the way of thy Commande- ments. S o all the Saints, one thing they defire which they pitch on, they have refolved to ferve God with a perfect heart; another man is unrefolved and knowes not which' to choofe, therefore is to and fro, off and on, now very forward, and then backward, religious in a good mood, and then off againe. This you mull rake heed of, for here you ought to be difcouraged, this is not our meaning, when we fay you muf} nor be difcouraged for your unevenneffe. An /w. But how fhall I know it, a little further objetj: By this, ifyour eye be fingle, that you have chofen that one way, that you have pitched on ir, that you be more than in Equilibria, where the ballances hang even,you !hall know it by this,the failings ofthe Saints are never in that degree that theirs are, that have not found hearts, that is, fuch a man though he ferve God for a fir, yet when he is offagaine, he is like a man in a Mask, he is no more the fame man he was, but there is a broad alteration bet weene what he was before, and what he is now. The Saints in their worn late have a tincture of holineffe, a thrced of Skarlet runs through their whole lives, after they are once changed, they never fall in that degree, they have a feed in them that will never let them go fo far. objeeit. Bet, you will fay, this is a notions how (hall we fee it by experience e vinfw. Thus; they never lye fo long when they fall into a Relu- fin, they are not well, and they Phew it by refilling a_ he sa» gaine, they cannot contr ,ue in it : for there is a certaine when they relu .ante againfi it, that raifes them againe, they fall r° fometimes into ill company, fometimes in wayes of wicked-