Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, what. 379 wickedneffe fometimes into deadnclfe of fpirit ; but SE R.VI. they are not content with this, they are like men out of their owne element.Another man for the fits of his re- ligion is out of his element, and is never well till he be fetled in his owne Center againe: you fee it by Saul, Saul had very good fits when he perfecuted David, furely he was in good earneft when he faid,he would do it no morc,and David was more righteous than he, he wept, and his heart melted, but le was fick ofir,he was out of his element. The Saints have certaine fits, but they are fick of finne, the other are lick of the good. neffe and godlineffe which they have, and are never well til14hey be fet at liberty againe, that they may walke againe in their old wayes, lb there is great diffe- rence in their degrees, Agáine, fuck a man, faith Saint Lames, is unfi able in dais wayes, that is, a man whofe heart is uprighr,there is force inequality to be found in his life, force une_ venneffe, yet it is but now and then, and by accident as it were, becaufe the graces he hath be true, and good, and though fometimes he fais, it is but by accident. Take a true Drug, and a falfe and counterfeit Drug ; when ever you will put a falfe Drug to triall, it will not worke. Take a Drug that the Apothecary gives you, it may have the colour and finell of a true one, it may be you cannot tell how to finde it out, but in working you may, if it be falfe it workes not:So take a Bow that is rotten , draw an arrow to the head, and it is fure to breake ; this fimilitude the Scripture ufeth, They flarted afide like a broken bow, that is, when I put you to trial], you Aye back, for you are rotten : So thole that are not found, it is nor their liability that makes themgo Cc 4 on