Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

396 d New Creature, 'that. s$ R.vt. on in the wayes of God for a time, but want of tempta- when evil tion to put them to it. Put rods to ir, put Sault() ir,and men doe you (hall quickly finde them : But take a true drug, or. good it is dinarily it works well,but by accident it may not work for want oFtempta A good Bow may be broken, by accident; fo a grace Lion. that is true and right, may fometimes falle of work- ing. I cannot better expreffe it, than by this fimili. tude : Take a fhip bound to a certaine Haven, ir pitches 'there, the Compaffe i to fet the right way, but it may be carried away by croffe winds, yet there is a cer- taine Haven which it tends to:So there is a certaine Ha- ven, which all the Saints of God goe to, howfoever they are tranfported by temptations and lofts; yet the Compaffe farads the right way Another is carried afide by uncertaine winds, ("for that is -a Scripture fimi- lirude) that is, there is the winde of a goodmood car- rying them towards God, let them be turned, they goe if another way, they are not bound to a certaine Haven, they are not pitcht, the others are carried afide by ac- cident, fometimes they mi!lake the way, fometimes they fall and flip in the way, but that is their journey they travell to Heaven. Lai} of all, thofe that are uneven ; out offalfenfffe of heart, and not weakneffe of grace, they never bring forth fruit. I finde that to be theScriptures Rule in the eighth Chapter of Saint Lake, in the Parable of the Seed, you fhall fee, it is faid of the third ground,which went further': of the three, that it brought not forth fruit; for the thornes grew up, that is, the world and the pleafures of divers lulls, and choaked it ; fo there men bring not forth fruir. objet t. But, you will fay, they doe bring forth fruit, doe __ . they