Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, Tbhat. 397 they not do many actions in good moods: may not an sr R.V1. hypocrite go far a May he not have many bloffomes ' ¡ Yes, but they are but bloffomes, there is fomething Leinrw. greene, but they are but blades, the come never conics'; Hypo- '' toearin , that is, they are never ripe: now a thing mull I rr'itcs á Y p ritsg not be ripe before it can be called good fruir, they never forth bring forth ripe fruit., that is, fruit indeed ; they bring fiwits. forth fowre grapes,EEy 5 2. l r `thus and thus to my Vineyard, and it brought fo.f_ ilde grapes ; is may be, to mens feeming the be as good as any, they may .looke as well as the b.; but ta11c t hem and they are fowreft, there is not any fruit, that is only the prop: r- ty ofthelaftground,tobring forth fruit with patience. Now it is true of all the Saints, though they be weakr, yet they bring forth fruit, and true, and ripe, and plea - fant fruit, fuch as God delights to eat of ; Come let fir walke in the Garden,andgather fame fruit, as in cart 5.1. The other bring not forth fruit. Take the belt action they doe, being readily examined, it is not good, there is fomething there that macs it ; and God fees ibis, they may be very faire in the eye of man, but they are abominable in Gods fight. Therefore if thou have a new nature, be not difcouraged for thy unevenneffe, which the belt of the Saints are liable to. Againe, this is another ConfeCtary from this point, and we may put thefè two together, becaufe they are 616f.5. Expea two branches comming from the fame Root : If there cotn1. be another New Nature put into us, then expect a combate; for certainly new and old will not agree to- gether ; you cannot put two contraries together, but there muff needs be a fighting,there mutt be a contenti- on: therefore exped that,and know you are not right; there