Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

398 A New Creature, vbat. sER. vi. there is no new Nature there, except finde tuch a controver fie within. objet. But, yon will lay, this is not lei lure a finde, for be- fore this I found many a coñ bate;and doe not Heathen men exprc fre what reluctance they have hade Have not civil' men, carnal' men, and men ignorant of the wayes of God, a. great con ilia many times, betweene the sortffciencc eheckinpbern within, and the actions they doer e_,/lnfrv. I anfwer, it is t r. r girt, < ¡s a great difference be- Ds eeéen- twCCne th> elm itc, that *; oetw eene the new Na- ture and s - re m. +incurs c ; :le old, and betweene the twecnethe , cotr bate natural! confciernC, t'et fc glitnn Brings, thofe fparkes, Cleat èYx thole good' &firees wuith even they may have that anä that arc tlot an ifecl," fin yr u null finde all there diffe_ fight that ,renew r ,, {.. 0: -;, tet be Fill; in them thattare f.,t; there isalis fides billi, natutall thereis another 1ir the wane: for where before it I tnCn was in the confdditè, it is'no v throughout the whole foul+.% there is á difference in the Subjecî,every faculty In the ttibica. i cr agaiinft it ïelfe; : becaufe before, the light was up within the waifs of confcienee, but it was not fired into the whole foule, it lay glowing as a Sparke there, but it was imprifoned,you imprifoned the truth, and would let itgoe no further ; but now it (heeds in- ru the foule, what the under (landing knowes, is info- fed into the will, and all the affections ; fo there is a ge- neral' change, and when the change is general], the combate mutt needs be generali; the combate muff now be in every parr, whereas before it was but in one. In the rue. Againe, there is a difference in fucceffe, for in the ct k,, condition betweene the confcienee and the reft of -._ the