Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

T O A Neu) Creature, what. 399 the foule, the confcience Hill 'of( s, and the other gets SE the vic`ory: But in the other, alwaycs the new cnan prevailes;The Houfe of David prevailes againfi the Uoufe of saul : There mull needs be wars betweene two con. traries, but the Houfe of Dsvidgrowesfironger : So, by which our Divines ufe to referrable this, lacobgot the better in the end: So there is a different fucceífe,the new man outwreflles the flefh. Sometimesa manis foiled but we doe not fay a man hath :;.1 e battle lecaufe he bath a wound, or a foile, or, h cene beaten back a little,he hath got the f g t ins it in t `e end,and that is the cafe of all the So' t'°° Thirdly,there is difference. in the ob jed about which 3 the controverfie is. The common nature bath but a In the °b common light, therefore fees-but ro're fumes, as your )' eyes fee only Starres - greater magi ltuJewhen a man bath a glimmerrngt, thinga ,' great and confpicuous "he difcernes, that is all h to A natu- rall mans contention is'abcut finsiofa great naturee be caufe light goes no further ; but it dirt ttbe f t- fled, a cleare light comes into the hocífe, and fhi thorow a glafl-e in a cleare day, where you doe onely fee the great heapes of dirt and duff, but the fmallefl mote; the others doe not fee the motes, be- caufe they have not that peculiar light, therefore they are never troubled about motes: So the contention dif fers in the objeel; the Saints contention is about final; things, about the very manner of doing holy duties, about the inward turnings of the affeffions, about the; fandifiednefife of them about ill thoughts, they have a peculiar light; this doth not put oùt common light, but makes you fee more than you did b_fore; there bce many ,