Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

400 SER. VI. In te continu- art ce. Confeci. 6. Think it not firang that you finde tome; aukedneflel in the wayes of God at ßra. A mew Creature, bat. RI any hundred fins now, which you never faw to be fins before; Had not Paul a new light Before, he had not confidered that lull was fin,but afterwards he knew it : In the Saints, the aflehtions wherewith they per- for me holy duties, yea, their affe Lion to their ill affe étions, the controver fie is about that. Laft of all, there is difference in the continuaace;this contention of the naturall confcience Tails but for a time, but it being betç ne the old Nature, and new, it continues to the end',s never given oVer,others may be in controverfie f a. fir,'' :t hold not our, becaufe the caufe of controverfi continues nor, it is worne out and overcome; but in a new Nature, when it begins it latts for ever, there is no end : So you fee there is dif- ference. If then you have new Natures, expe6t a com- bate; yea, fo as if you have it not, be Pure there is no new Nature there. The frith QonfeEtary, that I will deliver to you, is, that if you mull be New, then let it not feeme ftrange to you, though you find a little aukednefíe in the wayes of godlinelre at the firft;for new things are a little trou- biefome, fudden changes are fo when the thing is new. Be not difcouraged, it is that you muff expect, and re- member that cuftome will make it pleafant, when you are efed to it a little. Therefore complaine not, lay not afide the ra;our of God , it is a little heavie and uhgainefome at the firft ; as David,who would not goe in Sauls Armour, becaufe he was not accuftomed to ir; lay it not afide, when thou art accuftomed to it, thou wilt bear it wcl enough.Cuftome makes the worft things, even grievous things pleafant, how much more when one fats on that which is good indeed:'Therfore' you